The internet offers numerous opportunities to make money online nowadays. You might have come across a broad variety of programs that claim to deliver excellent benefits. What about WebsiteATM? Is it a reliable program? This is one that sucked me in and although, I quickly realized what it really was, it wasn’t before I lost my start-up money. I was lucky that was all I lost!
Many people are also talking about WebsiteATM Scam. What is the truth? According to the maker, you just need to sign up for this online money making system to earn $500 per day with ease. This WebsiteATM review explores the pros and cons of this program with an honest method of approach.
WebsiteATM – At a Glance
Website: WebsiteATM
Owners: Nick Harvey and Willy Handcock
Price: $47
Overall Rank: 0 out of 5
Overall Scam Rank: 5 out of 5
WebsiteATM – Tools and Training
Nick Harvey offers the Website ATM as a push-button website builder that works as an instant cash machine. According to him purchasing this program is like having an ATM in your pocket. Each buyer can earn $500 daily without even typing a single word or using a single button.
The idea sounds interesting. Doesn’t it? You need to pay $47 to buy this machine that creates websites for you. The maker promises that the websites created are going to rank higher on Google fast and buyers can start earning money within a few minutes.
When you submit your name and email, you are directed to the sales page of Website ATM. Many people find the message mailing list not active while providing the name and email. It creates a very wrong impression and makes people believe in WebsiteATM Scam news.
To start with, WebsiteATM promises to offer you a well-configured site that contains several money-making links. The website you get does not live up to the promises made. It is nothing more than just a template. Other members who buy this program also get websites with the same templates. What does it mean? All sites offered by the maker of this program are duplicates.
You won’t be able to generate consistent income with the help of these duplicate sites. After registering with site and receiving a template, you will be asked to sign up for a costly website hosting platform. The WebsiteATM is an affiliate of this hosting platform. You are not going to earn money with this signup process. Instead, you would end up wasting your hard-earned money.
Three Simple Steps
The promotional video says that this system works in three simple steps. First of all, you need to watch 4 simple videos. Then, you need to wait for four minutes. The third step is to give one push of a button. Completing these three steps will help you publish your money-generating website on the internet.
Nick Harvey says that you will be able to earn instantly from the moment you push the button and the website becomes live. This method of approach can easily attract newbies.
However, experienced affiliate marketers would often find this method unrealistic. They look for other options instead of thinking about WebsiteATM Scam.
WebsiteATM – Support
Although the makers of this program promise to offer timely customer support, you will certainly feel disappointed when you make efforts to contact the customer support team. The existing customers clearly suggest that they are getting cold responses.
The sales page says that $500 will pile onto your bank account 24/7/365. However, the customer support solutions offered by the company are extremely poor and disappointing. This is one of the major reasons that make WebsiteATM Scam a hot topic of discussion nowadays.
Website ATM – Price
You need to make a payment of $47 to become a WebsiteATM affiliate partner. Once you join this program by making the payment, you will be asked to purchase many other programs to make progress and bring visitors to your site.
My Final Opinion of WebsiteATM
This program offers you a website without visitors. If your site has no visitors, you won’t be able to make money through affiliate marketing. This is what happens when you purchase Website ATM. WebsiteATM Scam has been causing many issues to the existing customers.
They have already spent $47, but cannot identify a method to generate traffic to their websites. Many people have spent many more to generate customers based on the guidelines of the Website ATM owners. You can create the most beautiful website in the world.
If nobody is visiting the site, you won’t be able to make a penny. Offering duplicate sites, this program is making lives difficult for the buyers. If you have a responsive, appealing and functional website that offers quality content, you can reach on top of search engine result pages.
On the contrary, search engines give very low ranking to supplicate websites. This is exactly what happens with Website ATM websites. The maker of this program, Nick Harvey says that he is only accepting 300 clients. He also says that buyers should not reveal the methods mentioned in this program to others. This clearly sounds unrealistic.
If you fall into this trap, you are going to get scammed. The WebsiteATM Scam misleads many people with its fake testimonials. The Website ATM video shows several people who are making money using this system. If you assess things objectively, you can find that all their claims are false.
The fake testimonials can motive beginners to join this program. If you are a novice, you should not believe in these testimonials created using paid models. Once you purchase this program, the company asks you to use paid advertising to promote your website.
This method of approach is totally contradictory to what the makers promise during the purchase. Paid advertising is not the right choice for a novice affiliate marketer. It is a highly expensive option. Moreover, the risk factors involved with paid advertising are beyond the comprehension ability of people who are new to online marketing.
This is NOT a legitimate program you can rely on to make money online. The WebsiteATM Scam has been misleading many people with its unrealistic promises and duplicate websites. You should never choose this affiliate marketing program.
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All the best!
Founder/Creator: Living On Lean Means 💰